Legacy to next-generation PIM systems

So much more than just an upgrade

Planning the move to a next-generation PIM system isn’t just a technological upgrade; it's a strategic move towards a more agile, efficient and forward-thinking approach to information management.

With their flexible architecture, cost-effective customisation, rapid scalability, and advanced features, these modern systems are well-equipped to meet the dynamic demands of today's digital world.

It may feel like a daunting task to implement, but these systems are world apart from their legacy predecessors and are far easier to deploy (hours, not weeks or months), with pricing modules that include everything as standard.

In this guide:

Whether you’re looking to upgrade, just starting to define your PIM system requirements, or feel you should be questioning value for money, here are some key questions to ask.

  • Section 1: Evolving Business Needs
  • Section 2: Integration Capabilities
  • Section 3: Cost, Efficiency and Value
  • Section 4: Scalability and Maintenance
  • Section 5: Operational Efficiency
  • Section 6: User Experience and Productivity
  • Section 7: AI and Machine Learning
  • Section 8: Data Security and Compliance
Guide to switching PIM system providers

The right Product Information Management (PIM) system is no longer simply a tool for managing product information. It's a strategic asset that can significantly impact your business's ability to grow, adapt and compete in the competitive world of Digital Commerce. 

This eBook has been designed to help you ask the right questions, including killer questions to get the answers you need when exploring what alternative providers offer and whether it has legacy or next-generation benefits.

>Guide to switching PIM system providers
Get the answers you need, fast!

Our Cloud Community run several solutions clinics to help resolve questions – big and small. Our specialists are chosen because of their knowledge, experience and approach to best practice.

Whether you have an existing digital commerce site that needs improvement, or you’re just about to start your online sales journey, take advantage of a free, no-obligation session to ask any questions you’re having difficulty finding the answers to!

>Get the answers you need, fast!
About DWS

With more than 10 years’ experience building digital commerce environments, DWS fully recognise the different challenges B2B organisations face compared with their B2C counterparts. By offering straight-forward, no-nonsense advice combined with an excellent customer service, they’re able to help you be more efficient and profitable in your eCommerce world.

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