On-demand webinar: Protecting your data - insights from a professional hacker
As incidents such as the British Library cyber attack remind us, cybercrime isn't something that happens to "someone else", it is a very real threat facing British organisations.
Watch this session from LastPass to hear a conversation with “friendly hacker” Keren Elazari about how you can safeguard your data from malicious threats and bad actors.
The session with internationally recognised security analyst Keren Elazari covered questions including:
Watch the webcast to secure a seat for this important discussion about how to understand - and outsmart - hackers and protect your data against emerging threats.
Clamp down on password reuse, weak passwords and other questionable behaviors.
The journey from adaptation to elimination
Understanding and outsmarting password (mis)behaviours
Blunders can happen at any time
Emerging trends in access and authentication in businesses
Guide to benefits and features of identity solutions
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